Five stupid habits that we do on Facebook and how it can be disposed of

Youth, elders, (kids), all using social network larger and biggest on the web, it is the place most entertaining us, all published and join others (ideas) what the day, what provided the network of tools and possibilities wonderful and entertaining make the bulk of browsing the network does not indispensable, but may reach us immediately to addiction, but with a little bit of desire can control what we do and control the network.

Stupid habit 1 # applications do not lose that linked to our account on the web.

A lot of beginners entering the world of Facebook and had no idea what applications and what role and what are the things that affect them and what originally relationship with Facebook.

The problem: applications many Ahkiet and can play a big role in the dissemination or access to your personal information or even used for purposes unknown, so we have to be careful of applications that Ndmjha with the network.

Solution: All you need is to go to this page, to find a list of applications that use, knowing they arranged Sort by Date Use, you in front of a list you can filter easily and disposal of applications that do not know, or suspect credibility, or even that do not use, To avoid any future problems, so just enough pressure on the X side all the applications that you want to delete with ease.

Stupid habit # 2 non-filtering bar events to suit their requirements.

The problem: Do you suffer from frequent publications that do not like to read on the wall? This is due to several reasons, but the main reason you do not purify the modern news, so that you can only read what you want from them.

Solution: Over the changes witnessed by Facebook, has many developments that have helped enrich the network, and within these developments filtering updates and news to bring it in line with what you read really what ignore, when access to the main page on the site, you really see what you want to watch the network does not offer you all the news and publications, published in the moment that you enter to the page, but you first filter and display only what you care about them. But with that standards must be developed, and clean-up events manually to make them more compatible with our requirements.

Whenever you read any publication notes on the right small arrow, when pressed gives you a list with several options entitle you to either show all publications person or task which only, or not show publications that are available on the pictures or video or even not show everything published, and thus you can get rid of the publications that do not want it to.

Stupid habit # 3 not to manage your privacy settings on the network

The problem: the biggest problems faced by one billion users Facebook is the problem of privacy, as this relationship between the duo are always Mtotrh, there is no doubt that the problem, which was forced on its impact on the company to pay Billion dollars in compensation was approved by the court because holding site with pictures of people on the servers even after removed their from accounts is more reason to many question marks, so we also have to understand that our privacy settings on the network are also the focus of these questions must be really prepared to suit our requirements.

Solution: manage your privacy settings are not that hard or boring as many think, just visit the settings page once a month or a week and prepare for your publications and applications used by so permanently controlled in what you publish and how to publish it.
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Stupid habit 4 # huge number of Friends

The problem: when the project started Facebook at Harvard University of America by Mark network was confined to only a small number of students, and then began to expand to include other universities in the United States of America and then covered the whole world.

Then design the network originally to make it a place of communication between real friends virtual world, but covered change pox large while becoming the network gives the opportunity for people to add a large number of friends, marking this major problem the one who many, because we share our lives with people we really do not know them, but the list of friends, which means we are at risk of post personal information about us and that's just a simple example.

Solution: proper control in the property, adding friends is a duty you do not need to this huge number of friends, and also you are not in the level accommodate such a large number, so it is subcontracting you to a list of friends and filtered is necessary.

Something difficult process deleting each friend individually ordered requires significant time and effort, so there is added or enabled Special FacebookDeletes then delete unwanted lists. Also can be enabled on follow-up Subscribe.

Stupid habit 5 # to leave room for Facebook to flood the e-mail with spam

The problem: often based network Facebook to send a large number of mails to your e-mail, in order to make you aware of what is happening on your account and this is something kind of inconvenience because you actually did not prepare your account and reduce the number of mails you receive you really feel resentment and you inspect your mail and find full of Facebook alerts.

Solution: The solution lies only page numbers and alerts choose notifications that want to receive and cancel what you do not want, and so will reduce the number of messages you receive every day from Facebook.

Also can reduce all messages and make a daily report.

Here's how:

The prevention of all alerts that brings you via e-mail settings page.
Looking for link RSS up page and copy it.
Intervention on the site FeedBlitz, and complement the phased introduction of RSS link and receive daily message alerts on Facebook.
Five stupid habits that we do on Facebook and how it can be disposed of Five stupid habits that we do on Facebook and how it can be disposed of Reviewed by MED.B on 11/06/2012 06:00:00 AM Rating: 5
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