Preserve Your Phone’s Battery Life With 10 Tips

If you woke up without power, you may be in a life and death situation (for your phone, that is).With Hurricane Sandy leaving millions without power on the East Coast, preserving the life of your cell phone battery may have become one of your top priorities.
Use these 10 tips to prolong the life of your battery.
1. Text, don’t call.
Making phone calls on your cell uses more power than sending a simple text message. If you need to contact loved ones, send a text–we’re sure they’ll understand.
2. If you must call, keep it short.
Sometimes, phone calls can’t be avoided (we totally understand), but when a text message won’t do, keep your calls short to preserve power.
3. Reduce your backlight.
Using less light when you have your phone on will help conserve your phone’s battery. There’s no magic number here, just reduce the light as much as you can while still able to view the screen.
4. Use the ringer, not vibrate function.
If you haven’t already, turn off all unnecessary sounds your phone might make, then take it a step farther by turning off the vibrate function, which uses more power than the ringer.
5. Turn off 3G and 4G.
When your phone is searching for service, it’s wasting power, so until you can re-charge turn off 3G and 4G service.
6. Ditto for Wi-Fi and GPS.
Wi-Fi and GPS zap battery, too, so unless you need internet turn these off as well.
7. Don’t use Facebook and other social media apps.
After turning off 3G, 4G and Wi-Fi, it should go without saying that you shouldn’t try and use battery-sucking apps like Facebook, but just in case.. Don’t use Facebook, Twitter and other social apps.
8. Close any app you’re not using.
You may not realize it, but if you don’t full close an app, it still runs in the background. Take a minute to close all apps you don’t need and you’ll stop wasting excess power.
9. Use your laptop to charge your phone.
If you have a USB phone charger (most phones have this kind of charger), plug it into your laptop to charge your phone. Then, while you are still power-less, follow these tips to save the charge.
10. Turn it off completely.
When your phone isn’t in use, turn it off completely. This will do the most to save your phone’s battery life so you can make a phone call or send a text when you absolutely need to.
Preserve Your Phone’s Battery Life With 10 Tips Preserve Your Phone’s Battery Life With 10 Tips Reviewed by MED.B on 11/03/2012 02:00:00 PM Rating: 5
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